The CTACPSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization made up of local, state, and federal Law Enforcement administrators in Central Texas. The Waco and Temple-Ft Hood-Killeen metro areas make up a large portion of our membership. We are an affiliate of the Texas Police Chiefs Association.
The CTACPSA meets monthly from January thru October on the last Friday of the month at Troy City Hall, 201 N. Main Street, Troy, Texas. For additional information about our monthly meeting please visit Lunch Meetings on our webpage.
In 2012, our membership approved a corporate sponsorship program that allows law enforcement related vendors to be associated with our organization and make presentations during our monthly meetings.
To promote and enhance the professional development of all senior executive and management personnel of the law enforcement agencies within the Central Texas Region.
The Central Texas Area Chiefs of Police and Sheriff's Association is committed to professional excellence by providing a network of seasoned law enforcement peers from all of the law enforcement entities serving the Central Texas region. We are dedicated to demonstrating the highest standards of performance, best practices in policing and accountability, while serving our communities and constituents.
The CTACPSA was formed in order to create an organization that could come together to discuss current issues, build a rapport with other law enforcement agencies, and exchange ideas. The current membership represents Police Chiefs, Sheriff’s, Command Staff, and line officers of local City, County, State, Federal, College/University, School Districts and Special Law Enforcement agencies from counties in Central Texas.
This organization promotes cooperation amongst Law Enforcement Agencies throughout the region and is dedicated to education and excellence in law enforcement.
Core Values
The Central Texas Area Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs Association takes a proactive role in promoting the delivery of professional law enforcement services to our respective communities through of the application of five core values:
Adhering to strict, unbiased and unequivocal standards of conduct while keeping with our ethical obligations.
Displaying the strength of character while exhibiting compassion to confront fear, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.
Accepting individual and collective responsibility for our oath, duty and actions.
Adapting to changes in society through strategic integration of technology, policies, tools and equipment.
Valuing every human life and every person’s dignity with an equal commitment to justice and acceptance of diversity.